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Peach E911 Promotes Severe Weather Awareness

February 6, 2017 - 02:48:54 PM

February 6th – 10th 2017, is Georgia Severe Weather Awareness Week.   This week is designed to refresh, remind and educate our citizens about the seasonal threats from severe weather and how to avoid them.  Peach County E911 encourages you to develop an emergency plan and to practice your emergency plan.  Please take this week to build or refresh your emergency preparedness kit. (check batteries, supplies, etc.) 
Peach County E911 activated the CodeRED Emergency Notification System on Monday, February 6, 2017.  If you received a phone call, text message or an email, we encourage you to visit Peach County’s website and register.  This is a free service. 
CodeRED is a new emergency notification service by which Peach County 911 officials can notify Peach County residents and businesses by telephone, cell phone, text message, or email about emergency situations or critical community alerts. The system is capable of sending messages only to specific neighborhoods or the entire community. 

CodeRED is an additional measure of safety Peach County 911 believes our residents need and deserve. If power goes out, you may not be able to depend upon TV. The telephone lines are self-powered and most people now have cell phones, Peach County 911 will continue to keep you informed through messages delivered by CodeRED.   Even if you have power, CodeRED will probably be able to reach you with important information faster than TV and radio stations can put it on the air. That’s because CodeRED is a direct connection between Peach County 911 and the citizens of Peach County.  Many emergencies occur without advance warning.  In such cases, you may have no reason to turn on a TV or radio or you may be sleeping. That’s when CodeRED can help Peach County 911 alert you immediately and advise you to take appropriate action. 

Click here to sign up for CodeRED. (Allow pop up window)

Click here for CodeRED Frequently Asked Questions.

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